Miss PlanIt

Blooming Hearts Valentines Day DIY Gift Idea For That Special Someone

With Valentines Day quickly approaching, many may not know what to get for their loved ones this year. If you are one of those people, we have the perfect Valentines Day gift idea just for you. Nothing says I love you more than a memorable, thought out, personalized DIY gift. Also, if you are looking for a valentine day craft idea for kids this idea is perfect. Not only will this encourage creativity in your little one but they can also give something from the heart for someone they love such as dad, mom, grandma or grandpa!

Let’s Get Started:


1-Black Canvas
4-Wooden Heart Cutouts
1-Green Cord Trim
1-Red Acrylic Paint
1-Bronze Acrylic Paint
1-Plastic Containers
1-E6000 Adhesive
1-Hot Glue Gun
1-Glue Sticks
1-Mod Podge

How to Make a Blooming Hearts DIY Valentines Day Gift


STEP 1: Paint your wooden hearts red and allow them to dry.

STEP 2: Print out the pictures of your choice on regular copy paper. Measure against one of your wooden hearts, now cut out the picture.

STEP 3: Apply mod podge to the back of your picture. Place the picture on top of your now red painted heart. Apply additional mod podge so it adheres. Remove excess mod podge with a damp cloth.

It’s Time to Make Your Flower Pot!

STEP 4: Take a sharpie and mark a line in the middle of your plastic container from one end to the next. Cut along that line. Paint your container inside and out.

STEP 5: Sit your painted container on top of your green glitter paper. Now trace from inside the container on top of your glitter paper. It should be in the shape of a semi-circle. Cut your semi-circle out. Apply hot glue to the edges and glue.

STEP 6: Create your own leaf stencil. Take your leaf stencil, sit it on top of your glittered green paper and cut it out.

TIP: Find a leaf pattern off the internet. Print it out and then use a piece of cardboard to trace it on. Cut out your cardboard leaf. This is now your stencil.


STEP 7: Depending on how many hearts you want on your canvas, you will now measure out your ribbon cord. Once you decide placement, cut your cord. Next attach your hearts and leaves. Lastly, glue everything down with E6000 glue adhesive including your flower pot.

This super cute DIY Valentines Day gift is now a permanent decorative piece your loved one’s home!

If you like the outcome please let us know in the comments below? Also share your ideas on what you would have done differently? Need more insturctions, check out the Video Tutorial below.

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